EPIC Card Pack - Winner Rewards Card
Inside Pack : 16 NFTs (2 sets of EPIC 2nd Edition)
Price : 480 WAX
Rewards Card: Winner Rewards Card – 1 Qty
Our focus is to capture the hearts and minds of our followers and reward those who invest in our Epic collections with a tiered rewards card system with rewards ranging from Admirer to Champion! Our epic collections are purposely limited with low supply to drive value for our invaluable supporters who invest in us!
We have timely offers, discount and priority based on Rewards card tires.
Available Pack

EPIC Card Pack - Spirit Rewards Card
Inside Pack : 8 NFTs (1 sets of EPIC 2nd Edition)
Price : 240 WAX
Rewards Card: Spirit Rewards Card – 1 Qty
Our focus is to capture the hearts and minds of our followers and reward those who invest in our Epic collections with a tiered rewards card system with rewards ranging from Admirer to Champion! Our epic collections are purposely limited with low supply to drive value for our invaluable supporters who invest in us!
We have timely offers, discount and priority based on Rewards card tires.
Available Pack

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